Sunday, November 22, 2015

July Cygnets

July scenes from the western part of the lake, cygnets out on the lake with mother swan, moving near and among the dense water plants eventually approaching land. At first also a short glimpse of a ruddy shelduck and probably a moorhen chick passing by a barnacle goose.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Swans and cygnets cruising the lake May

An evening recording showing the many swans at the eastern lake side swimming up and down the lake , the local mute swans always chasing them towards the north of the lake. Next day some views from the western side where the swan couple cygnets at the black headed gulls colony are out on the water, then cruising back to the nest.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


I might not have had the mightiest lens at the park but at least I got to look at all the fuzzy stuff. :D